NYSPHSAA, in an effort to protect the safety and well being of the athletes, has a Wind Chill Index Policy in place for those days where the temperature and wind chill index warrants special precautions.
Wind Chill Caution: On those days when the Wind Chill Index reaches 36-20 degrees coaches will be notified of threat of cold related illnesses, and have students dress in layers of clothing, and stay hydrated.
Wind Chill Watch: On those days when the Wind Chill Index reaches 19-10 degrees Coaches will be notified of cold related illness, have students dress in layers of clothing, cover head and neck to prevent heat loss, and stay hydrated.
Wind Chill Warning: On those days when the Wind Chill Index is 9 to -10 degrees coaches will be notified of cold related illness, stay hydrated, have students dress in layers of clothing, cover head and neck to prevent heat loss, consider postponing practice to a time when Real Feel temperature is much higher, consider the amount of time for an outdoor practice session.
Wind Chill Alert: On those days when the Wind Chill Index is -11 degrees NO outside activity, practice or contest, should be held. This is required by NYSPHSAA.